Books and Articles – FREE

Here are some of my books and articles that people have found helpful over the years. In most cases I have made some revisions from their original publication. These are copyrighted books and articles for your own personal use. They are not to be altered or reproduced in any form or sold to other parties.

These downloads are in .pdf format. Simply click on the title and it will appear in your Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader. Then save it to your computer.


The OIKOS Papers on Work, Family and Faith

Twelve short papers introducing a way we might think about the connections between family life, economics, faith, and the land that supports us all. They arose as discussion guides for the OIKOS Project on Work, Family and Faith, which my wife Sylvia and I conducted from 1984 to the mid-’90s. They include papers on the basic concept of the “oikos” as it applies to stewardship, vocation, marriage, management, faith, parenting and other issues.


“With the Grain: Woodworking, Spirituality and the Struggle for Justice,” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, No. 123 (November, 2005) 6-15. Presented at a symposium in honor of John DeGruchy upon his retirement at the University of Cape Town.