2020 Vision

This is the year


lies sleeping on the earth

          in fevered nightmares

like hibernating bears

claws twitching


trapped inside a cave

where shadowed fears and memories

            run ghostly in our brains.

It is a year of darkness

where we see with greater clarity

the contours of a holy life

a life made whole

in suffering and death.

It is a year from which we now awake

crawl out the cave

to touch


breathe deeply

reconcile with trees and

grass and

earth with

greetings to the stranger and

conversations with a friend.

It is a year where darkness finally helps us see the Light

through weary weeping eyes.


“Come, Great Mystery,” by Sylvia Everett
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3 thoughts on “2020 Vision”

  1. You have captured my feelings.
    Two things I keep reminding myself.
    One, the vision will become reality,
    Two, Biden won.

  2. Come now and join the feast
    Right here in the belly of the beast.
    From a meditation from a UMC in, of all places, Fayetteville, Arkansas, which I read yesterday.
    I thought it very appropriate for our time.

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